2023 Padres Period Review: Joe Musgrove

2023 Padres Period Review: Joe Musgrove

Beitragvon Atwaters am Do 16. Jan 2025, 03:02

2023 Routine Period Statistics2. 1 fWAR, 17 G, 97. 1 IP, 3. 05 AGE, 1. 140 WHIP, 97 K, 21 BB, 10 HUMAN RESOURCES, 9 HBPPositives From This SeasonJoe Musgrove was pitching like a $20 million a year bottle as soon as he was ultimately able to be healthy and balanced for a consistent duration of time this season. At the beginning of the year he was returning from a broken toe and after that injure his feet operating on the warm turf in Mexico City so there was a whole lot of time invested by him simply obtaining himself right to pitch as opposed to servicing boosting himself in between beginnings. However ever before because that Might 26 begin in Yankee Stadium he was dialed in, pitching to a 1. 84 ERA in 73 Jake Burger Jersey. 1 innings to liquidate his season although it was a lot earlier than expected). The Padres would certainly like to have that Musgrove in 2024. Negatives From This SeasonI hunch one adverse was the decision to operate on hot turf in Mexico but as for the kettle bell crash, it slid while he was exercising at springtime training so I can't really fault him for that. He did everything in his power to be all set for the beginning of the season yet simply wasn't able to do it. Then when he got into big league action he had not been able to offer Bob Melvin six innings up until his sixth begin of the year yet he was still type of developing his huge unfavorable on Musgrove was something that he couldn't actually control which was the shoulder pain he really felt after leaving his late July beginning against the Texas Rangers.

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Registriert: Do 16. Jan 2025, 02:55

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